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Smart Recovery

Discover a fresh approach to addiction recovery.

About us
SMART Recovery USA helps people find their life beyond addiction

Our mission is to empower people to achieve independence from addiction problems with our science-based 4-Point Program.®

SMART Recovery USA – a 501(c)3 organization – is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.

Far too many people feel powerless over their lives and carry a sense of futility, a dread of staying trapped within an addiction pattern and locked into their circumstances. SMART helps them learn the skills they need to overcome their addictions and transform their lives.

Smart Recovery - Pathways Partner

SMART Recovery and Time Bandit - helping you find your best day - everyday

About Time Bandit and Smart Recovery

Time Bandit is more than a productivity tool—it's a companion in your journey of life. Whether you're overcoming challenges or seeking self-improvement, Time Bandit offers a simple and effective approach. With a focus on priorities and habits for business, personal and aspirational balance, it helps you build positive routines and stay focused on your path. Take charge of your time and embrace your journey with Time Bandit. Explore more about SMART here

Time Bandit - Mutliple Pathway Partner with SMART Recovery.   Helping you find your path to the best day - everyday.

Time Bandit -- SMART Recovery Partnership

SMART Recovery & Time Bandit Resources
Everyone's journey is different.

Because your pathway may differ from others, our goal is to provide multipole resources to assist where and when you need them. See below for a variety of resources from SMART Recovery and Time Bandit.

  • SMART Recovery Toolkit
    Explore the SMART Recovery participant toolkit to find worksheets with handy guides on how to use them.
  • Time Bandit for SMART (Coming Soon)
    This companion eBook outlines the benefits and strategies of using Time Bandit along your SMART Recovery journey. We expect to the ebook to be available in May 2024.
  • SMART Recovery Handbooks
    Our handbooks teach the tools and provide worksheets for people seeking support for themselves, and for those seeking support for a family member or friend.
  • Time Bandit Book
    Get your own copy of Time Bandit. This is a short 90 minute read full of useful guidence to help you prioritize and build habits. Helping you focus on what truly matters most.
  • Video Introduction to Time Bandit
    Your journey is likely met with challenges of both work and life. Learning to apply good choices using a priority matirx or building good habits is a great combination with SMART Recovery. This short video helps you sort through the chaos to simplify your...
  • Multiple Pathways Partners
    The Multiple Pathways Partner Program was implemented to facilitate the availability of SMART Recovery in more communities around the country as a service to our participants.

Contact us
Feel free to give us a call or send us an email with your questions or comments.

We would love to hear from you, whether you're interested in working with our team or pursuing a career with us.

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