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Time 'Wasters' and what to do about them
February 14, 2024 at 6:00 AM
by Michael Cupps
Time wasters and what to do about them: Procrastination, Digital Distractions and Meetings

Below are three short articles on each topic. Please share and comment on the post if you have other 'Bandit Hacks' to take back your time from these wasters.

Let's start with Procrastination. One very effective technique, especially for bigger projects, Is the Pomodoro Technique. This short article targeted at university students has a good view.

Digital Distractions continue to increase, mainly due to our phones and tablets. Every app can send alerts, not to mention general communication with colleagues, family, and friends. Keeping a university theme, here is an article from the learning center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

And last but not least, Meetings. Here is a blog and several ideas, including a checklist to evaluate the necessity of meetings from Dropbox

Good reading, and take back control, being your own Time Bandit. If you haven't already, be sure to get your copy of Time Bandit on Amazon here.